
Showing posts from September, 2018

Hope to Bee

This little breath of life we have. What a purpose has? This little time of sparkle. What a shiny smile? We can play together. We hope on each other. Kiss me with your words. Kiss me with your time. Kiss me with your smile. Enjoy the process of life. I know that this impossible, has become posible. I have found you!

The fishing net

The place where people saw you fail, is the place where God is going to see you blessed. Fix what it is broken, Repair and wash your net. A miracle is coming and your net needs to be strong. A time for abundance, A time for repentance, A time for worship, A time for joy. Those who are around you will be blessed too. Luke 5:1-8


Radiant bride, I want to know your loving works, your strength, your wisdom, and your heart. I know you that you're more than a silhouette. You're a treasure, that worth more than many jewels. I still have your picture in my mind's eye. You have seduced me, and I can't control it. But I can dominate you with my strength, protect you with my arms, fondle you with my words, cuddle with my hands, and love you with my heart, not for a moment, for an entire life, I mean. Your intelligence, yea, your sharp mind, keeps inspiring this intense love for you. I want to taste your soul, your mind, your heart, and get me drunk on your love.


  while (live) {    prepareTheLand();    sow();    takeCareOf();    reap();    enjoyTheFruits(); }