
Showing posts from October, 2019


¿Quién desea tener una perla? Los cerdos solo las pisotean. Puntos de vista. Es importante tener distintos puntos de vista. Yo puedo estar en el bosque, y tú puedes estar en el lago.

The power of no!

Learning to say no. Every human has a struggle with this. "Keep your response simple. If you want to say no, be firm and direct. Use phrases such as “Thanks for coming to me but I’m afraid it’s not convenient right now” or “I’m sorry but I can’t help this evening.” Try to be strong in your body language and don’t over-apologize. Remember, you’re not asking permission to say no. Buy yourself some time. Interrupt the ‘yes’ cycle, using phrases like “I’ll get back to you,” then consider your options. Having thought it through at your leisure, you’ll be able to say no with greater confidence. Consider a compromise. Only do so if you want to agree with the request, but have limited time or ability to do so. Suggest ways forward to suit both of you. Avoid compromising if you really want or need to say no. Separate refusal from rejection. Remember you’re turning down a request, not a person. People usually will understand that it is your right to say no, just as it is their righ...


Me has dado un año para recordarte para llevarte cerca de mí día con día. Eres una bonita acompañante has hecho que esta agua pueda viajar y llegar muy lejos. Has hecho que pueda regar a muchos y satisfacerles su sed. Has sido mi medio de transporte para llegar a mi destino. Siento tu abrazo y tu impulso para moverme. Como dos fluidos entrelazados, uno como complemento del otro, dándole forma a mi potencia y redirigiéndola hacia su destino final.