
Showing posts from July, 2024

De woorden die mijn hart hebben genezen

Dit zijn de woorden die mijn hart hebben genezen. 


Ik koos mijn leven opnieuw opbouwen. De stukken oppakken en mezelf weer helemaal opbouwen. Tijd van standvastigheid  De Heer verbindt alle stukken met zijn liefde en is zijn liefde de lijm die alles weer als een geheel brengt.

Healing from betrayal

  Vandaag is de dag dat ik besefte over rouw en verraad. Mijn hart ging over twee processen tegelijkertijd. De eerste het was over iemand verliezen. De tweede was over mijzelf verliezen. Hoe genees je de pijn?  ‘Hij geneest de verbrokenen van hart, Hij verbindt hun pijnlijke wonden.’ ‭‭Psalmen‬ ‭147‬:‭3‬ ‭EBV24‬‬ Alleen bij in Gods tegenwoordigheid te wonen. Verwarring is weg met Hem. Waardeloosheid is weg met Hem. Machteloos is weg met Hem. In Hij mijn identiteit, waarde, en macht zijn hersteld. Ik ben zo mooi, waardevol en geliefd. 

Sunrise & Sunset

This is the sunrise I watched today through your window. You have the sunrise, I have the sunset. Together we complete the whole day. 

The princess and the commoner

I am just a regular guy, a commoner, dear princess I have hope that soon we will meet. With every movement there is a flow. Let your cuteness fill the room and my boldness surround your heart. Embracing you with affection and my words be whispered at your head. I love you. I long for you. may they drown in your brain and drip down to your heart filling it with warmth and spiciness that your full body starts to sweat, full of this loving emotion. 


Het is niet over snelheid maar over houden aan de tempo. De afstand van de weg is nog steeds lang. Eindelijk je gaat winnen. 

“Not now” doesn’t means “no”

Mary asked the angel, “But how can this happen? I am a virgin.” Luke 1:34 Mary not now... that I am a virgin And while they were there, the time came for her to give birth. And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn. Luke 2:6-7    Mary not now... that we are in the manger  "When the wine ran out, the mother of Jesus said to him, “They have no wine.” And Jesus said to her, “Woman, what does this have to do with me? My hour has not yet come.” His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.” John 2:3-5 Jesus says to Mary not now... my time has not come yet Now there were six stone water jars there for the Jewish rites of purification, each holding twenty or thirty gallons.Jesus said to the servants, “Fill the jars with water.” And they filled them up to the brim. And he said to them, “Now draw some out and take it to the master of the feast.” S...

Patiently awaiting

Raised with “f*ck you” mentality,  I thought I am affecting the other one, but in reality I was affecting myself. I lost many times instead of winning. Moral of the story: Unlearn that mentality/pattern, not every education pattern is a godly pattern. Instead of “f*ck you”, Be patient, wait and let it happen, because if I don’t wait, later I will have the challenge/fruit of my impatience the “f*ck off mentality”. The price to pay is too high. The waiting can save me many inconveniences and my mind and heart will be at ease and peace. I win and the other one also wins. Applies in everything. Love is kind. 

Search result

He who finds you darling got His favour upon himself. This felt so compelling and He giving me an answer: “I am the one, the one you have been looking for”.  Looking forward to be with you. Meet me on the full moon, and let our hearts touch, like the moon touches the water with its rays of light. May our hearts pound at the rythm of the waves of the sea. May our kisses be fresh of love as the night goes on. I’ll embrace you from the back and kiss your neck softly to enjoy this moment you and I, in gratitude to Him who brought us together. 

Upper room

Everything is here but what is this place without your presence. Your presence is the one thing I long for. 

Olas de amor

  El amor entre tu y yo son como nuestros nombres escritos en la arena. Con cada ola hemos de escribir nuevamente nuestra historia de amor tu y yo. Un amor que elige escribirse a diario.