Truth & Story

Once upon a time there was a lady walking, her clothes were old, her hair was messy,
She was exhausted and hungry... she continued walking found herself in a town. she came to the first door. toc toc toc.

*What do you want?
+Sir can you give me some food and water.
*No, there is nothing here for you, go away.
The door was slapped in her face.

she moved on to the next house. toc toc toc
From a window came the reply, What do you want?
+Madame, can you give some food and water?
*No, go away, there is nothing here for you.

And the story repeated again and again in every door she knocked.

Suddenly a black horse enter the town galloping,
and all the doors got open. Everyone was receiving the ridder with food and wine.

she came close and asked the ridder.
+Are you the King?
*He replied: No.
+So who are you?
*I am Story. and you?
+I am Truth. can you give some food?
*I can do something for you said Story, 
you can ride in the back of my horse, 
and whenever I go you can have food with me.

Since that time, Truth always rides behind Story.

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