I dreamed about you last night walking through the waters in a river. There is also another girl competing with you. You both are walking towards me. With your hair combed back, elegant and charmant. You want to kiss me, that was the task assigned. After this image another image is shown in my dream you tell your friends in the car while you were driving it was very difficult to accept it and you cannot hold it anymore. you simple said. “yes. I like him”. it is true. I know you have been severe wounded, that is what my inner gut tells me about you. Switching back to the river image, almost when close the other girl starts becoming closer but you walk faster and won over her you came very close to kiss me. and I refused. I knew you wanted to be speciaal and not only a competition. So I waited until we go our first date. I asked about how your work day looks like? and I just listened all ears. I want you to break all your walls down. and just be that girl, that is inside of you. that is screaming to be protected. I pray for your healing. I pray for your heart to be whole once again and that you enjoy to be by my side. I know we are into each other and one day in a date… we will get our first kiss.