Forgive me

I forgive you for abandoning me.
I forgive you for rejecting me. 
I forgive you for hurting my feelings. 
I forgive you for looking down on me. 
I forgive you for ignoring me. 
I forgive you for playing with me. 
I forgive you for using and taking advantage of me. 
I forgive you for cheating on me. 
I forgive you for not giving me what I wanted.
I forgive you for betraying me.
I forgive you for not choosing me. 
I forgive you for being despective to me. 
I forgive you for not being enough for you. 
I forgive you for deceiving me. 
I forgive you all for everything. 
I forgive myself for not loving me enough. 
I forgive myself for not setting boundaries. 
I forgive myself and I start to love myself as I am. 
It is over. 

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