Into the wilderness where I feel this pain,
This pain of not finding the way back home,
How can I say "I love you" again?
If I can not even know who I am anymore?
What can I say if my heart still is broken? Again because of you?
How good would be a hug
that suits us a little
that makes us see that we are not so alone.
Not so crazy.
Not so broken.
One day at a time says my best friend. Today my day was really good,
I received unexpected blessings from who matters the most to me today.
Equilibria needs my mind, my soul, and my heart.
You were the Oasis in the middle of the wilderness Today!
“If you only knew who I am and the gift that God wants to give you—you’d ask me for a drink, and I would give to you living water.” John 4:10 TPT